International Anti-Corruption Day is commemorated on 9 th December since the ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption on 31 October 2003 to raise public awareness against financial crimes. This day serves as reminder not only to the people of Pakistan but also to the citizens of all the Nations around the globe about harmful effects of corruption. No country is free from this menace; it poses threat to the very fabric of all societies. The National Accountability Bureau being the apex anti-corruption agency of Pakistan has been mandated to keep this menace in check as well as to create awareness among the public at large about corruption. The publication of this special supplement is a testament to highlight the efforts undertaken by the Bureau. It also underscores the importance of eradicating this curse from the home land, which is one of the top priorities of the present Government.
Corruption is now taken as one of the world’s greatest challenges. It is major hindrance against development and prosperity. Corruption is corrosive for the very fabric of society and economic prosperity. Corruption in Pakistan hurts the economy as well as business. Although it has wide spread implications on our lives, the economy bears the main brunt and in turn sabotages prosperity of the nation. Corrupted economies remain unable to function properly because corruption prevents free functioning of natural laws of the economy. As a result, corruption in a nation’s political and economic operations causes its entire society to suffer.
Each year billions of rupees of the public money are lost because of corruption in the form of embezzlements, bribes and misappropriation of funds which directly affect the ability of the Government to provide even proper basic services to the public and denies them their fundamental rights. The sheer scale of this challenge calls for combined efforts to confront this challenge head on. The Government is committed to eradicate this cancer. NAB alone cannot win this fight. On this day I call upon and urge all segments of society to stand together in bringing about the change in our behaviors and contribute toward efforts in putting an end to corruption to support economic growth in order to bring prosperity.